Code of Conduct

Students admitted to this college must abide by the rules and regulations prescribed by the college authority. Such rules and regulations are-

  1. The students must be regular in the class and should attend at least 75% of total classes held failing which the Academic Committee will take necessary action.
  2. Students with less than required percentage of class attendance will be declared as non-collegiate and with less than 25% will be declared as discollegiate.
  3. The students must pay college dues in time.
  4. The students must appear in every internal examination conducted by the college.
  5. Candidates will be disqualified if they are found adopting some unfair means in the examination or if they have in their possession such things as books, notes or papers except the questions papers of the ongoing examination.
  6. Students will contribute to the College with high tone of their manners and general behaviour.
  7. The students must maintain unity and fraternity among the students.
  8. As per as possible, cleanliness, politeness, honesty, attention to work and respect to teachers and companions are concerned, the college should be looked upon as a place of reverence and discipline.
  9. Complete silence must be maintained in the class room, library, laboratory, computer room.
  10. In the absence of the lecturer, students’ union assumes responsibility for order and discipline of the class. The students should fulfill their duty with loyalty.
  11. Students who are given responsibility should carry it out dutifully and impartially in accordance with the direction of the principal/vice principal or the teacher authorised by him. They should consider it as a service to the college and to their fellow students.
  12. Students may always approach the principal/vice principal and the teachers for any reasonable or sympathetic consideration.
  13. Disciplinary rules regarding punctuality, regularity, respect for teachers, concern for the welfare of the college is to be carefully maintained. Respect for one’s property as per as for that of the college and for the things belonging to others is a mark of a well-bred and responsible student. Any damage caused to the college property either individually or collectively must be repaired. The principal may levy fine/ penalty on the individual or the group responsible for the damage.
  14. “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. All students should come to college neat and tidy.
  15. The students must wear uniform dress, neck tie and students i-card within the college campus.
  16. The students must return the college library book within the stipulated time and date.
  17. The students must have to pay late fine and damage charged of college library book if any.
  18. Using of mobile inside the classroom is strictly prohibited.
  19. There will a union body of the students to be constituted on selection basis for the welfare and development of the college and unity and security of all students for a period of one year headed by the principal as president and vice-principal/Academic In charge as vice president.
  20. The post of General Secretary is reserved for the deputed teacher to be selected by the students however Principal/Vice Principal reserves the right of expulsion/ termination/ reshuffle of union as and when needed.
  21. The Union body will give active participation and cooperation in the celebration of National important days.
  22. There will be cleanliness drive on last part of every month to be conducted by the Union Body for the purpose of maintaining neat and cleanliness and hygienic environment inside college campus and outside the college campus when needed.
  23. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and intoxicating drinks by the trainees within the college campus are strictly prohibited.
  24. No students of this college shall participate in any demonstration or resort to any form of strike in connection with any matter pertaining to fee, exam, activities and admission.
  25. Violation of the above-mentioned rules is liable to disciplinary action.