Academic Notice

Academic Notice -237

One day Orientation programme for school internship.

NAAC Accreditation Grade Sheet

Notice No. GBC-1328

A farewell programme for B.A. 6th Semester students.

Notice GBC-1327

As directed by Regional Director, ERC, NCTE vide letter no. F. No. NCTE-GAO26/2/ZO23-GA-SRC dated 5th June 2023, it is decided to conduct mentioned programmes published in College Notice GBC-1327.

B.Ed. Exam Notice GBC 1325

It is for general information of all B.Ed. 2nd sem (Arrear/Betterment) trainees.

B.Ed. Exam Notice GBC- 1324

It is hereby notified for information of all the B.Ed. 2nd Semester (Regular) trainees of Gossaigaon B.Ed. College.

Internal Exam Notice

Teacher and Students Meeting Notice

Cleaning & Plantation Program Notice

Social Service Work Notice for Trainees Union

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